MATH 571: Complex Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics

Note: If this course is being taught this semester, more information can be found at the course home page.

Cross Listed




This course is a prerequisite or co-requisite for



An introduction to complex dynamics and statistical mechanics.

Topics covered

The preparatory material needed for the recent applications of the former to the latter: Lee-Yang/Fisher zeros of the Ising model on diamond hierarchical models (Bleher-Lyubich-Roeder), and zeros of the partition function of the hard-core gas model on graphs of bounded valence (Peters-Regts, Bezakova-Galanis-Goldberg-Stefankovic). If time permits, there will be a review of the methods for stablishing zero-free regions (stability, Branden-Borcea), and the applications of these (Barvinok).

The course will end with a discussion of open problems.
