Dynamical systems workgroup

Can Renormalization for Dyson Hierarchical Models be Interpreted as a Return Map Renormalization of Some Dynamical System?, Part II

Matthew Dannenberg

Thursday, June 15th, 2023
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
Hylan 1106A and Zoom 918 227 3330.

The occurrence of renormalization ideas in dynamical systems, while having a similar formalism to the more directly physical methodologies in statistical physics, has not been unambiguously connected to this statistical physics context. Broadly speaking, renormalization in dynamical systems tends to arise from induced return maps to some set, whereas renormalization in statistical physics relates to some “coarse-graining” (block-spin renormalization) of a collection of random variables. In this talk, I will discuss a possible direction of connection between these two settings by way of discussing the Bartholdi-Kaimanovich-Virag transformation (“Schur renormalization”) of random walks on self-similar groups. While this idea shows promise, I will demonstrate that in the most direct reduction of renormalization to this context, the two renormalization strategies (return maps and block spin) are distinct.

Event contact: vmatusde at ur dot rochester dot edu