Algebra/Number Theory Seminar

The maximum of the Riemann zeta function in a short interval of the critical line

Louis-Pierre Arguin CUNY, Baruch

Thursday, March 29th, 2018
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Hylan 1106A

(Listed jointly with the probability seminar)

A conjecture of Fyodorov, Hiary & Keating states that the maxima of the modulus of the Riemann zeta function on an interval of the critical line behave similarly to the maxima of a log-correlated process. In this talk, we will discuss a proof of this conjecture to leading order, unconditionally on the Riemann Hypothesis. We will highlight the connections between the number theory problem and the probabilistic models including the branching random walk. We will also discuss the relations with the freezing transition for this problem. This is joint work with D. Belius (Zurich), P. Bourgade (NYU), M. Radizwill (McGill), and K. Soundararajan (Stanford).

Event contact: arjun dot krishnan at rochester dot edu