Topology Seminar

On the localization of the equivariant sphere spectrum with respect to equivariant K-theory

Nathaniel Stapleton, University of Kentucky

Friday, February 26th, 2021
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Zoom ID 677 596 7436

Two of the most fundamental genuine equivariant spectra are the equivariant sphere spectrum and equivariant complex K-theory. The zeroth homotopy groups of these spectra admit a purely combinatorial/geometric interpretation. In this talk, I will describe our efforts to leverage these interpretations in order to calculate the zeroth homotopy group of the localization of the equivariant sphere spectrum with respect to equivariant K-theory. This is a report on work in progress with Bonventre and Guillou.

Event contact: steven dot amelotte at rochester dot edu