
How I met the Mandelbrot set

Belmiro Galo

Thursday, July 23rd, 2020
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Zoom ID 573 239 4086


Abstract: In this talk I will construct the Mandelbrot set and show a couple of fractals related to some components of this set.

Using a lightboard that I designed and constructed during quarantine we will start our investigation by examining the simplest function of degree two


Moreover, we will insert a parameter in this function and try to understand the behavior of a very special point.

We will define a complex number to extend this analysis to a complex plane and then have fun constructing some components and showing the big picture of this fascinating set.

Keywords: Complex dynamical system, fractals, Mandelbrot set.

This is a part of the CoronaVirus Lecture Series. Please take a look at for the links to .pdf files and videos of the previous lectures.

Event contact: iosevich at gmail dot com