Algebra/Number Theory Seminar

Subconvex bounds on the 2-torsion in the class groups of number fields.

Arul Shankar, University of Toronto

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Hylan 1106A

(Joint with M. Bhargava, T. Taniguchi, F. Thorne, J. Tsimerman, Y. Zhao)

Given a number field K of fixed degree n over Q,classical theorem of Brauer–Siegel asserts that the size of the class group of K is bounded by cD^(1/2+epsilon), where c is constant depending on epsilon and D is the absolute value of the discriminant of K. However, It is conjectured that the p-torsion subgroup of the class group of K is bounded by a similar bound where we drop 1/2. Only the case n=p=2 of this conjecture in known. In fact, for most pairs (n,p), the best known bounds come from the “convex” Brauer–Siegel bound.

In this talk, we will prove a subconvex bound on the size of the 2-torsion in the class groups of number fields, for all degrees n. We will also discuss an application of this result towards improved bounds on the ranks of elliptic curves.

Event contact: dinesh dot thakur at rochester dot edu