Math 537 Tentative Course Outline
Fall 2018

Chapter Section(s) Topic Notes
Chapter I, Modules pgs. 11-25, 28 - 30 1. Modules
2. The group of homomorphisms
3. Sums and Products
4. Free and Projective Modules
6. Dualization, Injective Modules
Chapter II, Categories and Functors, pgs. 40-81 1. Categories
2. Functors
3. Duality
4. Natural Transformations
5. Products and Coproducts; Universal Constructions
6. Universal Constructions (Continued); Pull-backs and Push-outs
7. Adjoint Functors
8. Adjoint Functions and Universal Constructions
9. Abelian Categories
10. Projective, Injective, and Free Objects
Chapter IV, Derived Functors, pgs. 116-147, 156-162 1. Complexes
2. The Long Exact (Co)Homology Sequence
3. Homotopy
4. Resolutions
5. Derived Functors
6. The Two Long Exact Sequences of Derived Functors
7. The Functors Ext^n_A Using Projectives
8. The Functors Ext^n_A Using Injectives
10. Another Characterization of Derived Functors
11. The Functor Tor_n^A
12. Change of Rings
Chapter VIII, Exact Couples and Spectral Sequences, pgs. 255-268, 276-280, 296-305 1. Exact Couples and Spectral Sequences
2. Filtered Differential Objects
3. Finite Convergence Conditions for Filtered Chain Complexes
5. Limits
9. The Grothendieck Spectral Sequence
Labor Day, Monday, September 3
Fall Break: Mon, Oct. 15 - Tues, Oct. 16
Thanksgiving Break: Thurs, Nov. 22 - Sun, Nov. 26

Last updated May 21, 2018; probbly will be modified before and during the term.

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